Thursday, May 6, 2010

Selling Yourself in 45 Seconds Part 1

The average job seeker is not equipped to make a positive first impression. At the very earliest steps to a new job we slam the door closed because we are not prepared. If you've wondered why your networking meetings and job interviews never seem to go anywhere, I want you to consider - are you selling yourself? If you were a fantastic new can-opener how would you present yourself?

Infomercial is a good word that's popped into modern usage in the last 25 years or so. It means, "to give information in order to make a commercial transaction." We've all seen infomercials about the latest and greatest products. These kinds of selling messages work! If they didn't, the marketers would move on to a more effective way of getting the consumer to a buying decision. As a job seeker you need to have your own infomercial ready. If you can't sell yourself, why should an employer "buy" and hire you?

The unemployed constantly hear two sentences - one a statement, the other a question. Yet the average unemployed person is not ready to respond to either and, as a result, many miss the opportunity to make the positive first impression that is so crucial to moving through the process to a new job.

The first sentence is a statement. You've heard this from almost anyone you've met during the process of looking for work. Usually early in every job interview, you will hear, "Tell me about yourself." The second common thing we hear in interviews or networking appointments is the question, "What are you looking for?" If you are not prepared for these "sales" opportunities, your chance of getting that job is slim to none. Too many of us leave our responses to spur of the moment spontaneity and we stumble around, hemming and hawing, making a terrible first impression.

When I was a hiring official, one of the responses I heard a lot was, "I just need a job. I'll take anything." This comes across as too desperate and needy - even if that's true. No employer wants to be, "just a job." In their minds you'll move on as soon as something better comes along. Every employer is thinking, "Can this person help me with what I need for this business to succeed." Employers don't hire people for positions they don't really need.

Take the time to write out your responses to these two openings. Remember you don't have much time. The person asking the question isn't giving you permission for a 10 minute, rambling lecture about your background, experience and skills. Television has trained us to have short attention spans when it comes to our buying inquiries. You have 30 to 45 seconds to articulately present yourself. If you can do this well you'll stand out from almost all of the other candidates. [See Part 2 next week]


  1. So true... Written with knowledge abt the world around And also with lotz of insight from the Lord..

  2. It struck me that the statement and question continue to be relevant as we stay in a job. I need to be prepared to talk with my boss and other superiors about myself in social settings (during pre-meeting chit-chat).

    More importantly, I need to keep asking, "What am I looking for in this job?" How can I better align my personal goals with the goals of the organization where I work?

    Good post!


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